Rhino Diaries

Three rhino poached in iMfolozi

This latest incident brings KwaZulu-Natal's total poached rhino this year to 45.

EZEMVELO KZN Wildlife confirmed today (Wednesday) that one White Rhino carcass had been found in the Mbhuzane section of the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park (HiP) earlier in the day.

The rhino’s horn had already been removed when the carcass was discovered in the Madlozi/Ntabayamanina area at around 9.15am.

Last week, two rhino were also poached in the iMfolozi section of the park.

The two White Rhino carcasses were found just after 9.30am last Friday in Manzamhlope in the Masinda area.

One rhino’s horns had been removed while the other’s horns were still intact. The carcasses were estimated to have been less than 24 hours old on discovery.

There was no mention of any weapons nor any arrests.

This latest incident brings KwaZulu-Natal’s total poached rhino this year to 45.

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