Rhino Diaries

Poaching war goes hi-tech

Drones another arrow in the bow against poachers

RHINO poaching in southern Africa was dubbed as ‘a war’ many years ago, but despite the sterling efforts by all involved 20 rhinos have been killed this year.

To tackle the problem head-on, Ezemevlo KZN Wildlife has engaged the services of the Peace Parks Foundation, Air Shepherds and the Lindbergh Foundation, as the fight goes hi-tech.

Two drones have been developed to meet the needs of the rangers on the ground and it is yet another arrow in the bow in the war on poachers.

Ezemvelo KZN CEO Dr Mabunda says there is no silver bullet to solve the crisis, but every new innovation launched to save the rhino is welcomed and will hopefully make a difference.

Just as the protectors continue to stay one step ahead of the poachers, so too do the poachers with the financial backing of the buyers of rhino horn.

The drones will monitor high risk areas such as fence lines and will offer ‘live time’ monitoring.

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