Rhino Diaries

WATCH: Jackie Chan joins fight against rhino poaching

The campaign carries the slogan 'When the buying stops, the killing can too.'

A 30 second video of Jackie Chan showing his support for the anti-rhino poaching campaign is being played on TV’s at airports and shopping centres all over China, and now, the world.

His message?

‘When the buying stops, the killing can too.’

Jackie Chan is one of the most famous celebrities to come out of China, and has been recruited along with a number of other A-list celebs and sport stars to raise awareness.

‘We are paying for the life of this beautiful creature,’ Chan says.

Founder and current CEO of WildAid, Peter Knights spoke at a press conference in South Africa yesterday, saying the Asian people did not understand the poaching problem.

‘In Asia until recently, people genuinely did not understand the poaching problem. They’re told: ‘The rhino dies and we pick up the horn’. In China they had not heard about the rhino crisis,’ Knights said.

Watch the video here:


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