
BLOGGING THE VIEW: Completing Comrades: 6 tips for recovery

Here are 6 recovery tips from those in the know...

The world’s oldest and largest ultramarathon, the Comrades, sees thousands of well-trained runners taking to the road in the hopes of completing the 89km race.

Named ‘The Ultimate Human Race’, Comrades requires strength of body and mind, and even the most well-seasoned Comrades runners will need some downtime for the body to recover.

Here are some tips shared by the experts on what to do following Sunday’s race.

Tip #1: Don’t run again too soon

Comrades Marathon legend Bruce Fordyce said one of the biggest mistakes for novice marathon runners is getting back on the road too soon.

He explained that damage to the body is longer lasting than most realise, and ‘a hard Comrades damages the legs, but it also taxes the immune system severely. It drains the body of strength, and leaves it weak and open to illness and sickness’.

He suggests a two-week break and then gentle runs without any racing until the spring returns to the legs.

Tip#2: Don’t stop at the finish line

This might seem like contradictory information, but experts advise against stopping immediately after the finish line. Don’t just sit down and take a nap, it’s best to walk through the finish area and get on some dry clothes to prevent getting sick during this downtime.

Tip#3: Get something nutritious in you

Push through any nausea and get some nutrition in you within half an hour after the race. You won’t necessarily be able to stomach too much, so go for a liquid option that is easily available and easily absorbed. Try to eat something protein-rich as soon as you can, to rebuild your muscles.

Tip#4: Try an ice bath

If you can stomach it, an ice bath after the race will alleviate any pain and discomfort, as well as help with localised tissue recovery. Avoid having a hot bath as this simply increases any microscopic bleeding in the tissues.

Tip#5: Don’t plan an after-party!

Former Comrades Marathon champion Nick Bester said it’s best not to commit to too many plans the night after Comrades. However, a get-together the following day is good for the body and soul.

“My old club always used to have an ‘Aches and Pains’ party the day after Comrades, where we’d find the best burgers and pizzas and share our war stories of the day.”

Tip#6: Take some time to yourself

Bester also suggests taking about 15 minutes after completing the race to reflect on the race and what you’ve accomplished. That all the hard work has finally paid off.



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