BLOGGING THE VIEW: 10 benefits to celebrate National Pet Month

Pets are not just furry little memes, they actually help your physical, emotional and mental health. Here are 10 benefits of pets to celebrate this National Pet Month...

The positive power of pets is more than just cat memes and funny dog videos, they’re actually beneficial for all aspects of your life.

As we celebrate National Pet Day in April, you’re encouraged to do what you can to support the dogs, cats, horses, ants… and everything in between.

If you already have a pet, well done! If you’re considering getting a pet – adopt don’t shop! If you want to show support in another way, donate food, money, or your time to a local animal shelter. Why? Because we need pets just as much as they need us.

Here are 10 benefits of pets:

1. They keep you fit
Dogs need regular walks and so do you! Consider them your free personal trainer.

2. They’re good for mental health
Having a pet means you never get lonely and are less likely to suffer from depression.

3. They keep you healthy
Animals bring dirt and germs into your home which boost your immunity system and keep you healthy.

4. They lower your stress
Pets are known to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, making you calmer.

5. They are social
Getting out of the house and meeting others can be daunting, but it’s much easier with a pet. People want to engage and interact with you when you’re out with a pet.

6. They bring balance
Pets need routines such as feeding and walking which help you get your life in order. Pets bring balance to your life!

7. They help prevent allergies
Pets can prevent some children from developing certain allergies because of the dander in the fur.

8. They’re great on social media
If you’re trying to get some online traction, a cat video is a sure-fire in! People love looking at and sharing pet images on social media.

9. They teach responsibility
Pets can help your children learn responsibility such as walking, feeding, and cleaning up after them.

10. They keep you secure
Dogs are some of the best security measures and they actually make you feel safer, even if they’re more likely to lick an intruder than bite them!

Take a moment to appreciate your pets, your neighbours’ pets, or your family’s pets this National Pet Month and ignore the dirty paws, shedding fur, and questionable odours. Pets make life worth living!



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