
BLOGGING THE VIEW: Level 3 lockdown – now with added features!

The details are still sketchy, but South Africans can now look forward to some enjoyable recreational activities in Level 3 lockdown

The rising number of Covid-19 infections countrywide means preventative measures such as sanitising, mask wearing and social distancing need to remain firmly in place, but government has had to weigh up the risk of infection against people’s loss of livelihood during this time.

Faced with this reality, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced on Wednesday evening that government would be opening up more economic activities.

This is good news for the entertainment and recreational industries, as well as the general public, but it’s important to ensure all health and safety procedures are followed as we venture into this new reality.

With that in mind, here’s a look at some fun activities we can look forward to in the upcoming days.

Dining out
While Level 3 has allowed restaurants and cafés to open up for takeaway deliveries, the latest announcement means we can actually venture out to eat a meal in a restaurant.
Business owners are going to have to consider lowering the number of patrons allowed at a time to ensure social distancing, however.

Personal grooming
We can all finally stop looking like Tom Hanks in Castaway as hairdressers and salons reopen their doors.
Considering the close interaction required in this industry, constant sanitising and mask wearing will be absolutely imperative.
The easing of lockdown measures will undoubtedly be welcomed by this sector, which is predominantly staffed and owned by women.

Watch the latest (or last) releases
As with restaurants, cinemas will have to lower the number of patrons allowed at a time for social distancing purposes, but we can once again enjoy our popcorn and cola at the nearest cinema.
Although Hollywood is not making films at the moment because of the coronavirus restrictions, a number of blockbusters were held back when the pandemic emerged, so hopefully we’ll have some top quality feature films to enjoy.

Enjoy a night away from home
Hotels and other commercial accommodation are now also open for business – excluding house-sharing accommodation such as AirBnB.
With travel restrictions seemingly still in place, it’s likely that accommodation will mostly be used by those travelling for work.
Alternatively, you might just want a change of scenery from home, so you could pop down the street to your neighbourhood bed-and-breakfast to revitalise.

Sport action
All forms of non-contact sport will now be permitted – with the relevant Covid-19 preventative measures in place.
You can now don your chequered pants and take to the nearest golf course for a round of masked golf, or hit the nearest tennis court to practice your backhand.
This also means our TVs will start featuring more competitive sports, including the newly-launched 3 Team Cricket (3TC) in which three teams play in one match.

Gambling and theatre

Although many might continue getting their betting fix with an online site, those wanting to hear the sound of their money disappearing in real life can visit their local casino! And, for those lucky enough to have a theatre on their doorstep, Level 3 now offers some quality cultural entertainment as well.

If you’re sick and tired of the endless Zoom meetings and can’t wait to see (most of) your colleagues’ happy faces in real life, you’ll welcome the return of work conferences. However, it’s likely numbers will remain limited to prevent Covid-19 spread.

We will learn more about these new features in the coming days, including the various restrictions related to each activity, and what this means for you.
For now, we can look forward to a few simple pleasures that will make life a bit more enjoyable.



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