
BLOGGING THE VIEW: Keeping sane in quarantine

There are many fun and interesting things to do at home

So, a national state of disaster has been announced and, along with it, various measures related to restricting contact with people so as to slow – and hopefully stop altogether – the spread of Covid-19.

While some businesses remain open, many are shutting down or encouraging employees to work from home.

But even for those who are still required to go to work, recreational activities are going to be severely restricted.

This is no time to despair, we’ve really all been given the gift of time!

No hectic social calendars, no constant interruptions, just quality time spent in the home.

But to make sure you don’t go completely insane, here are a few ideas of what you can get done.

Get the DIY done
That curtain rail that needs putting up… the pictures that should’ve been placed on the walls when you moved in 10 years ago… the door that needs painting. – all the things around the home that you’ve put off because there just ‘wasn’t enough time’ can now be attended to.
Plus, you can enjoy that wonderful feeling of accomplishment that comes with home improvement projects – even if it is just changing a light bulb.

Start an exercise regime
A healthy body means a healthy mind, so try not to become too couch potato-esque during this home-bound period.
There are so many exercise videos you can look up online. Just choose a form of exercise that works for you.
If you’re the type who prefers exercise that doesn’t actually feel like exercise, then why not have a dance party or just play a game of catch with the little ones (or your significant other if s/he is feeling up to it).

Study online
If you’re going to be quarantined, then at least it’s during a time where we have access to internet.
And if there’s something you always wanted to learn more about, or an accreditation you’ve been keen on getting but felt too swamped with daily life, then now is your time to seize the moment.
Find a short online course that will empower you in the field of languages, finance, business, marketing, fashion, childcare, graphic design, origami …whatever you want, really!

Enjoy some family bonding
Rather than bemoaning the fact that you have to spend more time with your family – although understandably there are going to be some breaking points – take advantage of this time to impart knowledge and participate in fun-filled activities.
Board games are always an engaging option, but you can also teach the young ones things such as cooking, doing the laundry, changing the car tyre – any life skills. Indoor forts are also a really fantastic activity and encourages cuddling (well not with the sickies) and reading.

Experiment with new recipes
If you enjoy cooking then this is truly your time. Get out those recipe books or follow some online foodies and chefs to spice up your cooking regime.
If you’re feeling really entrepreneurial, you could start preparing meals and selling them to others in quarantine as well.
If you’re feeling really generous, prepare meals and donate them to the elderly. Turn the whole situation around!

Don’t stress, we’re all in this together.

Remember to stay informed, avoid information you can’t verify and don’t get caught up in any mass hysteria toilet roll stockpiles.

For some reliable updates on Covid-19, visit, or



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