
ZULULAND LETTER: April Fool is certainly not for the foolish

So I decided to pull an African-style April Fools' joke on my sister's British boyfriend

MY sister’s British boyfriend is a really nice guy, but not the sharpest tool in the shed.

So I decided to pull an African-style April Fools’ joke on him.

Via WhatsApp (at half my salary per minute calling London was out of the question), I informed John he had to pay lobola for my sister.

Within 30 seconds he phoned.

‘Are you serious, how much?’

Not having foreseen such a speedy response, I coughed violently for half-a-minute, and then told him a tsetse fly flew into my mouth, I have to get an emergency anti-malaria shot, and would get back to him after I’ve consulted the elders.

That evening, in the kitchen, I asked my 15-year-old (elderly) nondescript brown dog, whether I should tell him it’s a prank, or not just yet. One tail wag meant yes, and two no.

She fell over attempting to reach her under-tail area, which I took as ‘roll on the floor laughter’, and having to make him suffer a bit more.

I think this was the point where I got a bit carried away…

I thought if my sister didn’t find out, I could actually make a buck or two off the guy, and seeing that the Rand is worth nothing nowadays, why not?

Lions in the streets

Now I know lobola is mostly about hooves and horns, but not having land (I wasn’t on Jan’s ship) will make keeping livestock somewhat problematic.

I wanted cash!

But how to get the message across without sounding like a gold digger?

I would’ve said because tigers roam the streets I fear for their safety and will therefore take cash instead, but he’s been here on holiday and knows very well a lion putting one paw outside a game reserve quickly ends up as balm and sold at the taxi rank.

So I decided to tell him that a retarded poacher might shoot my cows and sell the horns to a retarded Korean, and the thought of Daisy being rubbed on Oriental genitalia will break my heart.

No, it’s got to be Elizabeth II’s pink face!

Next I calculated how much I’m entitled to.

Lobola can be grossly inflated if you’re just slightly less average than Joe, so I sat a while, speculating about my social standing.

I’m a double Caxton Excellence Awards finalist, and once actor Ian Roberts and I bumped heads at the Kroonstad Ultra City’s urinal, so it’s not that I’m nobody.

Human trafficking

After establishing that I’m in a good position to negotiate, I went about identifying that which could swing my asking price the wrong way.

Her cooking skills came to mind.

Once my dad had to get the kitchen repainted because a tin of condensed milk she over-boiled exploded.

Also, for a girl from Africa, she’s a bit on the thin side. In fact, compared to a healthy specimen she can be classified as borderline anorexic, but that was all I could come up with.

The settlement amount on my car sounded ideal, but the R7 000 I needed for that new surfboard would also do.

Again I sent him my demands via WhatsApp, and again my phone rang within seconds.

It was my sister – and she was furious!

Holding the device far away from my ear to protect my hearing, I heard her shouting something about human trafficking and Interpol.

After she hung up I told the dog hers was a stupid idea and send a message explaining it was a prank and that I’m terribly sorry.

John replied in seconds – ‘April Fool!’

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