
LONDON LETTER: Arrival of the new reality

I don’t think that since the fall of Rome have the elites been so disabused of the belief in their inalienable right to rule

THINGS will never be the same again.

Trump’s victory last week has changed the face of politics forever.

No longer will a ruling elite with a compliant mainstream media ever again take the person in the street so callously for granted.

Indeed, I don’t think that since the fall of Rome have the elites been so disabused of the belief in their inalienable right to rule.

It’s happened twice in one year; first with Brexit (Britain voting to leave the European Union) and now with a bad-hairstyle millionaire who against every expectation – including my own – is the most powerful man in the world.

Anyway, enough analysis has been done on what happened to the smug old guard and the incredible stupidity of everyone else.

Suffice it to say that if no one knew before, they sure do now: most people have totally lost trust in the ineffably out-of-touch ruling class and would rather vote for an outsider who – if CNN and other Clinton supporters can be believed – gropes women, is a sexist, racist and (insert ‘ist’ of choice here).

As one American blogger said, ‘Hillary Clinton got her dream opponent, a barely literate reality show orangutan, and she lost to him!’

The day after the election I went onto Facebook and an ex-South African journalist called the election of Trump and triumph of Brexit as the doomsday start of the ‘unravelling of western democracy’.

Huh? So someone wins a fair election or referendum, and that is the unravelling of democracy?

But I get it. Democracy to the hipsters is getting the result you want. It’s about hampering freedom rather than fostering it.

You don’t argue, you call your opponents names to shut down debate.

You don’t discuss mass immigration – you call anyone who disagrees a racist.

Take Trump’s much-maligned highlighting of the 11-million-plus illegal immigrants in the country.

Demographic shift
Like it or not, a key factor facing America is that demographically it is changing so fast that it will be majority Hispanic possibly in my lifetime.

You can argue whether that’s good or bad, but what the hipsters are doing is telling everyone that it is normal.
But is it? In 1970 the white population in California was 78%. In 2010, it was 40%. Over the same period, the Hispanic population quadrupled.

It’s difficult to argue that’s normal. If, say, the population of South Africa suddenly went from 80% black to 40% in basically one generation, you would suspect that was social engineering rather than ‘natural’.

This is also happening all over Europe with mass immigration.

There are some sad by-products. For example, in England, Pakistani-British make up 1.9% of the population, but 80% of grooming cases are by Pakistani gangs who think English girls are tarts.

If the same thing happened in Pakistan by English youths, there would be blood in the streets.

Trump’s victory may be the A-bomb of the decade, but Brexit was the harbinger.

Indeed, our two brats have just been to Amsterdam celebrating a mate’s birthday and came back moaning that a jaunt to the continent now costs much more money.

I take their point. On paper, the EU is great; hassle-free travel, freedom of movement – one big happy family.
Except it doesn’t work that way.

For an increasing number of people, cheap Amstels and a bed overlooking Vondelpark is not a substitute for sovereign identity. To them, the EU is an Orwellian intrusion.

So, when an illegal immigrant from Somalia kills a girl while drunk driving, but cannot be deported because the EU says Somalia is dangerous, the mood starts to shift.

How do you tell the girl’s parents that her killer, who shouldn’t be here, must remain because the EU says it’s dangerous out there?

That’s why Brexit and Trump caught the attention of so many ordinary people who feel they are not being listened to.
You can argue that Trump supporters are morons and Brexiteers are idiots. You can argue that they are misinformed and misguided. You can call them evil … that’s your right.

But you can no longer ignore them. Not in a democracy, anyway.

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