
Put interest of country above all else

With dockets being given to the NPA that can lead to his arrest, who knows what’s next?

I’VE be amazed how our political leaders push their private agendas instead of what’s best for the country.

Before the election our dedicated Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan was assured that he is in no way being investigated for anything by the Hawks, but last week for some reason it changed.

With dockets being given to the NPA that can lead to his arrest, who knows what’s next?

Personally I think our country and politicians should rather be focusing on avoiding SA being rated to financial junk status and not focusing on arresting the very same person who is in charge of helping our beloved country to a stable economy.

Not to say that our minister is above the law, but I think the timing is very wrong.

With the nuclear deal and private jet being put on hold, who knows what will happen if the minister is arrested.

I think it is time to be politically aware and support the people who actually do their jobs.

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