Blue light brigade menace

If they were late, it is simply because of poor planning

THE practice of having blue lights fitted to the dash of vehicles cannot be within the laws of our country and our municipality must stop this practice.

Wasn’t this banned?

Who gives these people the right to drive recklessly on our roads with no respect for any laws, let alone the safety of law abiding road users?

The problem we have in our society is that people voted into positions to serve the community see themselves as ‘gods’ and do what they like.

Four reckless drivers pushed road users out of the way last Thursday at around 5.20pm to make it to their appointment.

If they were late, it is simply because of poor planning.

You sirs – Toyota Hilux NUF 40995 and Mercedes NRB 72316, as well as an Audi and a SUV, dashed past those who waited patiently at the robot and jumped the red traffic light with little regard to the safety of others.

The National Road Traffic Act does not provide carte blanche for drivers with blue lights to drive as they wish and endanger other motorists.

My question is quite simply the following: Who are these individuals? Who gives them the right to drive like this? Why is this practice supported by our local traffic department?

They set a bad example.

I remember reading an article that the municipality was going to install sophisticated cameras to prosecute this type of road hooliganism.

If working for the municipality allows you the privilege of abusing road rules, I also want to be employed there.

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