
Poles pose no party deterrent

Why go through all the trouble, and probably a substantial cost, to put up the poles and leave a gaping hole?

I QUESTION whether the poles put up to stop people from having ‘park parties’ will actually serve the intended purpose.

Let’s be honest… a meagre piece of wooden pole is not going to stop guys from doing what they please.

At some of the parks, gaps have been left apparently for the tractors to be able to gain access to keep the grass trimmed.

It totally defeats the object. Why go through all the trouble, and probably a substantial cost, to put up the poles and leave a gaping hole?

It’s laughable.

One can only hope council will eventually figure this out for themselves and set up an access system that will keep cars out, but allow workers access when they arrive to do their work.

A simple steel bracket bolted onto the poles at either end of the entrance and a long pole across with a lock on both ends should suffice. The fact that the poles are all different sizes and lengths also smacks of an untidy quick-fix.

The obvious solution is to come down harder on public drinking, but we all know the resources to patrol parks is lacking. We have a hard enough time stopping people from shooting each other in broad daylight.

Must residents be the watchdogs? Or when will the selfish partygoers realise they are just making life harder for law abiding citizens? They don’t care probably.

Where will the buck stop?


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