
Filth at Sodwana Bay

Tourists and residents are up in arms

WE have a huge ongoing rubbish issue with the two skips placed at the entrance of our town since earlier this year.

Despite multiple requests to the municipality over the past six months, nothing has happened.

We even offered a temporary relocation onto forestry’s land (with their permission) until after the holiday season, but the municipality did not grant permission.

We need to find a solution as soon as possible as it is now peak season and the entrance to town cannot look like this – it is an eyesore, stinks and is a huge health hazard.

The community and tourists are up in arms. We are also the buffer zone for the world heritage site.

The skips were pushed into the road again last night and tipped over by patrons after leaving taverns and bars – leaving rubbish and glass all over the road.


One Comment

  1. We live in a S.A. which has become a filth haven. Regardless of where you go in S.A.
    Maybe these skips should be loaded and then dumped in the nearby township , because it is obviously the locals that are the messy ones.
    As the story says after the TAVERNS have been visited then the mess escalates. So why not play fire with fire and dump their rubbish at their place of residence and DO NOT CLEAN . And see how they will feel .

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