Richards Bay project supports sewing skills

Make a donation and help 10 Zululand women empower themselves

The lives of 10 women will be transformed through an African Solidarity Campaign (AfriSoC) initiative that raises funds for a three-month course in Fashion Design and Dress Making.

The initiative, which kicked off in August, invites community members to make donations from as little as R50 to meet the target of R5 000 per beneficiary to cover the costs.

To create income-generating projects, AfriSoC opened its Vocational Training Facility in Alton a year ago, successfully upskilling community members in dress-making and fashion design.

The NPO – which focuses on promoting social cohesion in communities, combating violence against women and children, discouraging discrimination and conflicts between communities – added the training centre to promote skills development as a new service.

AfriSoC founder Mmindje Kabakilwa Steven said by supporting this women empowerment project, locals contribute to a cause that will not only benefit the 10 participants but their extended families and the community at large.

”We went into rural communities and identified young women from really destitute homes. We aim to empower one individual so she can create an income for herself and help her family.

”With sewing, they can find work opportunities or become entrepreneurs and help empower others and create jobs too.”

Steven said the project will include the three-month vocational training, and cover costs for travel and refreshments. Participants will be awarded a certificate of completion.

”We have less than 30 days to reach our target of R50 000. We believe it will be reached as our community has helped us achieve our missions before.

”Enrolments are still being taken for our next course and community members can enquire about that as well,” said Steven.

Donations can be made to:
Standard Bank
Acc no.10125011464
Current account
Branch code 058030
Reference: your name
For more information contact Steven on 082 7012483


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