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Entries open for Zululand’s Got Talent

Calling all songstresses and maestros for Zululand's Got Talent 2024

Do you have a beautiful singing voice?

Elevate your singing in the shower to singing on a stage in front of an actual audience by entering Zululand’s Got Talent.

Zululand’s Got Talent is an annual singing contest in which the finalists are chosen to perform at Dolosfees, giving singers a valuable opportunity to show their talent and hone their performance skills.

Auditions for Zululand’s Got Talent take place on Tuesday, 30 July at Dros, Tuzi Gazi Waterfront.

Contestants must be there at 5pm and bring their own backtrack or instrument. They will be expected to sing two songs.

No miming is allowed and groups cannot consist of more than four members.

There is no entry fee.

For more information, contact Elize Boshoff on 083 6355358.


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