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The significance of Madiba Day

Helpful ideas on how you can spend your 67 minutes this Mandela Day

The legacy of the late, great Nelson Mandela transcends far beyond South African borders.

Recognised as one of the most iconic humans to have ever walked the face of the earth, his existence will forever be edged in history.

As the country’s first democratic president, each July South Africans and the rest of the world pay homage to the selfless and humble nature ‘Tata’ shared.

His birth date, 18 July, is internationally celebrated as Madiba Day and challenges businesses, organisations, schools and citizens to dedicate 67 minutes of their time to giving back.

For those wondering why 67 minutes?

The number 67 signifies the number of years Mandela fought for human rights and the abolition of apartheid.

This is a time to follow in his footsteps and do something for someone who will never be able to return the favour.

In the words of Nelson Mandela, “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others.”

Ideas on how you can spend Mandela Day:

• Donate gently used clothes to a children’s home or a charity of your choice
• Buy groceries for a family in need
• Spend time with the elderly or terminally ill
• Partner with a non-profit on a project
• Cook a meal for the homeless


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