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July fuel price decrease delayed

Delay in July fuel price restructuring reportedly due to timing of change in Cabinet

IN anticipation of the scheduled July fuel price decrease, millions of motorists countrywide would have delayed filling up their vehicles’ tanks until this morning (Wednesday), only to be met with the same pricing structure as yesterday.

For reasons reportedly linked to the announcement of the new Cabinet on Sunday, this month’s fuel price change takes effect from tomorrow (Thursday).

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Once the new price change takes effect, motorists can look forward to paying R1.05/litre less for petrol 93; 90c/litre less for petrol 95, and 30.38c/litre less for diesel.

Illuminating paraffin, meanwhile, will be 18c/litre lower than last month.

According to the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE), there are five reasons for the fuel price adjustment.

These are a decrease in Crude oil prices from US$82.98/barrel to US$82.24/barrel; a decrease in the average international product prices of petrol; a slight appreciation of the ZAR against the US dollar; a Slate Levy of zero cents per litre, and octane differentials between 95 and 93 petrol grades.

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