Safety tips when exercising in winter

Plan your route and stay away from dark alleys when exercising in winter

WINTER is synonymous with time spent inside, leaving popular exercise spots emptier than usual.

Aside from fewer people outside, it gets dark much earlier which calls for more vigilance and preparation.

Fidelity ADT shared the following tips for those heading out for a training session.

• Try to train in pairs or join a club for your respective sport, whether you’re into running, cycling or parkrun

• If you’re unable to join a group or find an exercise partner, take your dog (should the weather allow)

• Wear bright clothing, especially on overcast days or when exercising later in the afternoon

• Keep your devices out of sight. While it is crucial to have a fully charged phone in case of an emergency, your exercise gear should incorporate discrete pockets to store any essential items

• Stay alert and don’t exercise with noise-cancelling devices like headphones. You should be able to hear warning sounds like a car’s hooter or someone approaching from behind

• Plan ahead, and avoid dark alleys and back roads. Remember to vary your course and map out multiple options to prevent criminals from tracking your usual training route

• Let a loved one know where and when you’ll be exercising. This allows them to check up on you should you be gone for too long. It is also essential to carry identification and ensure your emergency contact’s information is easily accessible

• It’s a good idea to use mobile tracking options during training sessions


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