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7 tips for keeping pets healthy this winter

Warm clothes and fewer baths will help ensure your pet's warmth during the cooler months

Just like people, pets can feel the cold too, but they can’t speak out when they’re in pain or sick.

In winter, underlying conditions such as arthritis, and cold weather illnesses like sniffles can become problematic.

“That’s why it’s extremely important to keep your furry family members warm, safe and healthy throughout the next few months, to prevent an emergency vet visit, especially during these uncertain economic times,” explains David Roache, MD of dotsure.co.za

Tips for keeping pets safe in winter

1. Take your pet for a check-up

Along with vaccinations, your vet will do a physical and, if your pet has any underlying conditions, they can advise you on a treatment plan.

“In older patients or those on chronic medication, a check-up every six months is even beneficial. Conditions such as heart murmurs and dental disease are often picked up at these check-ups before owners are even aware of a problem. This can allow for earlier treatment and management of any problems before they have progressed significantly,” says Roach.

2. Pain management

If your pet has arthritis, their aching joints and colder outside temperatures mean they may become less active. This can lead to weight gain, which puts extra strain on already sore joints.

“There are many joint supplements available for senior pets which can be beneficial to managing arthritis, even in very early stages. Chat to your vet about what supplement is right for your pet.”

3. Long hair, don’t care

Don’t cut or shave your pet’s coat too short during the winter months. A longer coat will provide your pet with extra warmth, but there are added grooming needs, so make sure you brush your pet regularly.

4. Keep your pet indoors

Temperatures are at their coldest in the early mornings and night, so keep your pets indoors during these times. If your dog or cat isn’t a ‘sleep on the bed’ pet, create a warm, cosy nook for them in the kitchen or TV room. A soft bed with a couple of blankets and their favourite toy is perfect.

5. Warm threads

Some pets won’t wear a jersey, no matter how chilly they may be – especially cats. However, if your dog will tolerate it, a jersey can help when they are outside. Remember that your pet loses most of his body heat through the pads of his paws, ears, and respiratory tract, so there’s a limit to how much warmth a jersey can provide.

6. ID tag, chip and insurance

Get your animals chipped and make sure the information on the chips is updated. Check that your dog’s ID is updated as well. Pet insurance will also help in the event of an accident, unexpected illness, or injury.

7. Fewer baths

Unless your dog is visibly dirty, there’s no need to bath him too often in winter. Frequent washing can remove essential oils from your dog’s skin and increase the chance of skin becoming dry and flaky. If bathing is the only option, your vet can recommend a moisturising or medicated shampoo and rinse.


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