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Free health screenings for King Cetshwayo communities

Richards Bay Minerals and PinkDrive join forces in cancer prevention campaign

Mobile clinics are set to be deployed to various communities in King Cetshwayo District as part of a two-week cancer awareness campaign.

Richards Bay Minerals (RBM) has joined forces with NPO PinkDrive to provide free health screening, as well as highlight the importance of early detection.

The drive will kick off on 1 July and run until 5 July with fully-equipped and staffed mobile clinics to be set up in Mbonambi, eNseleni and eSikhaleni.

Health screenings will include mammograms, pap smears, clinical breast examinations and skin cancer screening.

According to statistics, non-communicable diseases account for 65% of all natural causes of death, necessitating the importance of early detection to save lives.

“Our involvement stems from our desire to do more for the communities in the countries where we operate and to support government to address the current backlog in cancer screening within the public sector,” said RBM.

Free health screening will be conducted at:

• 1 July – Mbonambi Clinic
• 2 July – Thokozani Clinic
• 3 July – uMkhontokayise Clinic
• 4 July – eNseleni community hall
• 5 July – Isiboniso Clinic


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