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Police foil multi-million rand RBM mineral heist

Minerals from Richards Bay worth R15-million have been recovered in Johannesburg

Minerals from Richards Bay valued at more than R15-million were located in a Johannesburg warehouse on Wednesday last week, believed to be destined for international buyers.

A police task team deployed in Richards Bay to take down a mineral syndicate recovered the stolen goods – although the warehouse owner is still to be located.

“The task team traced zircon and chloride worth R15-million at a warehouse in Johannesburg,” said police spokesperson Brigadier Athlenda Mathe.

“These minerals were mined from Richards Bay Minerals [RBM], were diverted from the Richards Bay harbour and stored at a warehouse where they were being repackaged to be sold to international buyers.

“It is believed the syndicate would transport fake minerals to the harbour and divert the original minerals to Johannesburg.”

She said Wednesday’s search unearthed the stolen minerals with a case of theft registered with the police.

This was reportedly the second multi-million rand mineral recovery by the task team.

“In March, the team found minerals at a Durban warehouse. The driver of the truck and the owner of the warehouse were both arrested,” she said.
SAPS national commissioner General Fannie Masemola applauded the work of his task team.

“The team is also investigating the assassination of executives in the area.

“So far, 202 unlicensed firearms have been seized, 43 suspects have been arrested and 68 dockets are currently under investigation.

“Our intelligence remains on the ground to put a stop to these illegal activities in the mining sector.”


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