Farmer association formally joins sugar sector

SA Farmers' Development Association becomes permanent member of sugar industry

The SA Farmers Development Association (Safda) has welcomed the government’s announcement making the organisation a permanent member in the country’s sugar industry.

This comes after Trade, Industry and Competition Minister Ebrahim Patel published a permanent regulation for the sugar industry, which concludes Safda’s four-year journey to transform the sugar sector and achieve greater support for farmers.

Reacting to the announcement, Safda executive chairperson Dr Siyabonga Madlala said if the Government Gazette had not been published before 31 March, the organisation would have been forced to retrench or close down because operational costs, including salaries, come from the South African Sugar Association (SASA), which is one of the permanent members in the industry.

“From now we work to build a better future for our industry and growers.

“The sugar industry transitional regulations made permanent and cement Safda as a bona fide member of the sugar industry. We are thrilled about the announcement,” said Madlala.

“This momentous development marks the culmination of a long and arduous journey that commenced in 2015 with the formation of Safda. The gazetting of these regulations signifies a significant milestone in our journey towards achieving greater equity and representation within the sugar industry,” he said.

“It grants black farmers the dignity and full recognition they deserve as integral members of this vital sector.”
Madlala further added that while they celebrate this important achievement, it is crucial to acknowledge their work is far from over.

“This gazette represents just the beginning of our efforts to comprehensively advance transformation within the sector.

“We remain committed to working collaboratively with all stakeholders to address remaining challenges and drive meaningful progress in the years ahead,” he said.


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