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eSikhaleni residents protest bail for rape accused

Community pickets outside court in protest against rape accused bail

With seven rape and murder incidents in eSikhaleni over the last year, community members made their voices heard outside the magistrate’s court on Monday as they called for a man accused of rape to remain behind bars.

In January, a member of the Zungu family from Gobandlovu outside eSikhaleni was raped during a burglary.

Speaking before the accused’s appearance, the victim’s sister said she hoped the perpetrator would get the appropriate punishment.

“What he did to my sister was horrible. I hope he gets a life sentence because he does not qualify to be around people. If he gets out, he might do it to someone else.

“He took my sister’s virginity without her consent. She has not been coping since the incident. Her life will never be the same,” she said.

Joining the march was local activist Slondile Mkhize who said they were concerned with the scourge of gender-based violence.

“We are here to say no bail for the accused because if they are let free, they will continue terrorising women and children in the community.”

Ward 14 Councillor Mondli Mthethwa concurred, saying the perpetrator has no place in the community.

“It is enough now! eSikhaleni and surrounding areas wake up to the news of murdered and raped women. We call on the premier to do something to end this,” said Mthethwa.

“I wish to challenge all men to stop GBV because we are the ones who should protect women and children from such crimes.

“The law must take its course. They must never be allowed in the community,”


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