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How to deal with bullies in the workplace

These are just some of the things many people deal with daily

THE thought of going to work can evoke emotions of anxiety and depression for many people. But why is that?

It is because bullying at work has become commonplace.

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The word ‘bully’ sounds harsh or triggering, but according to the Oxford Dictionary a ‘bully’ is defined as ‘a person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as vulnerable’.

Examples of bullying in the workplace:
• Verbal abuse and constant humiliation
• Being made a target and blamed for mistakes made by others
• Inequality, such as not being given the same growth opportunities as other staff members
• Always reminded that you are just a number and can be replaced at any moment
• Unmanageable workloads with impossible deadlines
• Your contribution to the team is constantly ignored
• Being physically assaulted
• Constantly having your workspace, property or lunches tampered with

These are just some of the things many people deal with daily.

When it comes to bullies, confidence is key.

All acts of victimisation, intimidation and humiliation must be reported to the human resources (HR) department.

Many victims of workplace bullying fear reporting abuse for fear of being further victimised, especially if the HR officer is friends with the accused.

In these instances, send an email so there is a paper trail.

The truth is, you are not going to get along with everyone at work. It is advisable to limit contact and interaction with people you are not fond of, and vice versa.

Companies can also create harmonious work environments by ensuring there are regular team-building activities and anonymous surveys to check in on staff members’ mental health and work environment.

In addition, all claims of bullying need to be taken seriously.



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