Two car crime trends to watch out for this festive season

The first happens at petrol stations while the other involves a schoolgirl

The festive season is sadly associated with a spike in crime, and there are two worrying car-related crime trends emerging.

The first happens at petrol stations where a woman approaches the car asking for assistance, claiming to have been a victim of a robbery.

She asks for a lift to her husband and, upon letting her in, other suspects enter the car, forcing the victim to withdraw money at the nearest ATM.

The second crime involves a schoolgirl unexpectedly climbing into a car.

A fake police officer will then pull the car over, during which time the girl claims to have been assaulted or kidnapped.

A bribe of R3 000 is demanded to make the issue disappear.

“Never allow a stranger in your car. You can help people without risking your own safety. Make sure your doors are locked to prevent forced entry – this will protect you at traffic lights and petrol stations,” said MasterDrive CEO Eugene Herbert.


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