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WATCH: Dozens of dead fish wash up on Bay canal

Dozens of dead fish littered the shoreline while many more are drifting with the tide

An urgent investigation is underway and tests are being conducted following the discovery of dozens of dead fish in the Mzingazi canal since the weekend.

Dozens of dead fish littered the shoreline while many more are drifting with the tide between the Arboretum robot are and past Pelican Island.

ALSO READ: WATCH: Arboretum exempt from load-shedding amid ongoing woodchip fire battle

This comes amid fears of the danger the smoke plumes emanating from the burning NCT woodchip stockpile would pose to the local environment.

The Mzingazi canal has progressively turned black since the woodchip blaze began, owing to fallout from ash and ember-filled smoke, and possibly also from stormwater run-off.

NCT general manager, Danny Knoesen said the company is taking responsibility and engaging the relevant authorities on the matter.

“One of our fears, now that we have the fire under control, was that the smoke plumes would have some effect.

“We definitely not shirking off the responsibility and we want to be involved in any rehabilitation that will be needed,” he said.


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