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Remain indoors as far as possible, to reduce exposure to smoke

The fire is still likely to burn for a considerable time

Richards Bay residents have been urged to remain indoors as far as possible to reduce exposure to smoke irritants emanating from the burning woodchip stockpiles.

The warning was issued by NCT on Thursday as water bombing and other firefighting efforts continue.

ALSO READ: WATCH: Arboretum exempt from load-shedding amid ongoing woodchip fire battle

The company said, fortunately, there are no chemicals present in the smoke to add further health risk.

“While fairly contained, and despite the massive assault on it by many fire-fighting teams and specialised equipment, the fire is still likely to burn for a considerable time.

“High concentrations of wood smoke continue to be emitted from the scene, which is unavoidable,” said NCT GM Danny Knoesen.

Members of the public have been further warned not to fall prey to online scams, inviting them to make donations to a ‘fire disaster fund’.

“NCT and other organisations involved in firefighting have not established such a fund,” said Knoesen.

ALSO READ: Joint committee formed in wake of Richards Bay woodchip fire

Giving further update on the fire, Knoesen said it remains contained to the chip piles currently and no further spread has occurred.

“TWK and the other neighbours remain safe,” he said.

“Every 24 hours that spread is controlled, becomes a significant success milestone towards final victory over the fire.”

The Fidelity Group has also provided, all the way from Johannesburg overnight, a high-tech specialist fire retardant applied by a powerful high-volume tanker.

“The retardant forms a cooling ‘shell’ over the surface, thereby starving the fire of oxygen and heat. This technology may well play a major role in overcoming the chip pile fires and reduce the time to final extinguishing.

“NCT remains hugely grateful to all persons, and private and State organisations that have selflessly rallied to assist. A true caring South African nature is clearly being illustrated amid this tragic event,” said Knoesen.


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