No cash just ciggies for ATM thieves

Suspects fled on foot after attempting to steal money from ATMs inside an Ingwavuma supermarket

Suspects hoping to steal money from ATMs inside an Ingwavuma supermarket were unsuccessful, making off with only cigarettes.

The shop was broken into in the early hours of Tuesday morning and police have confirmed investigations are under way.

ALSO READ: Attempted ATM robbery in Mtubatuba

uMkhanyakude District SAPS spokesperson Captain Sbusiso Mkhize, however, dismissed social media reports that the suspects were trapped inside the supermarket by security guards until the police arrived.

He said that when the police arrived on scene, the suspects had already fled – a point that was confirmed by KZN police spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Nqobile Gwala.

No arrests have been made at this stage, and police confirmed that, while three ATMs inside the store were damaged, no money was taken.

Various brands of cigarettes were stolen, but that the value of the stolen goods is unknown at this stage.

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