Zulu king refutes ‘sale of land’ concerns

The King gave assurance that he would never betray his people

“Our land is not for sale – we are not for sale!”

These were the stern words of King Misuzulu kaZwelithini during a prayer in KwaCeza outside Ulundi over the weekend.

He gave assurance to Amakhosi, religious leaders, government leaders, and other attendees that he would never betray his people or sell their land.

This is in relation to the contentious issue of the Ingonyama Trust and appointment of its new board, which has been criticised by Prime Minister of the Zulu nation and monarch, Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, who warned that the land of the Zulu nation risks being sold to the highest bidder.

“How much would it even cost to sell our nation? It would not be possible,” said the king.

He urged churches to pray for the royal family because any turmoil or issues affecting the household would in turn affect the nation.

“My plea is for all of you to pray for the royal family and this throne. Every king who has sat in this seat has had their own fair share of challenges and my belief is that God will not place a load too heavy for me to carry, but I ask for your continued support and prayers,” he said.

King Misuzulu further denounced ongoing killing sprees within the province, particularly at hostels and in townships.

“What blessings are we hoping to receive when we are busy killing each other?” he questioned.

He also condemned the killing of Izinduna and Amakhosi, and the abuse of women and children.

Another issue of concern touched on was the increase in trucks on the province’s roads, together with the high number of accidents involving these heavy vehicles.

“We are working together with government to minimise these trucks, and to ensure cargo and goods are transported via rail for the safety of our people,” he said.


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