5 tips to stay warm without turning up the heat

Cold weather hacks to keep warm and cozy this winter

With the winter chill in the air, people are looking for ways to keep warm without using costly heaters.

While many people living in cities and suburbs don’t have fireplaces, the basic concept of keeping warm naturally still works.

Check out these five cold weather hacks and stay warm and toasty throughout winter.

1. Drink warm beverages

This is the best time of year to keep hot beverages like tea, coffee, and hot chocolate readily available.

Hearty stews and soups will also go a long way in keeping you warm, and can be a cost-effective family meal.

2. Layer your clothing

Putting on multiple layers works best to keep warm. Start with long underwear or wear flannel clothing.

When you go outside, remember to wrap yourself in a scarf.

Several layers keep you warmer than just one warm coat and allows you to shed layers if you start to overheat.

3. Keep your feet toasty

If you keep your feet warm, the rest of you will be warm too.

Take off wet footwear when you come home and slip on some warm, furry slippers or woollen socks.

For outdoors, wear fleece-lined waterproof boots, particularly if it’s raining.

4. Take advantage of the sun

You can use a natural source of heat in your home by taking advantage of the sun’s energy, During the day, open curtains to let in sunlight and heat your living spaces.

Or simply take a chair out and relax in the natural warmth for a while.

5. Warm your bed

Nothing is worse than trying to sleep in a freezing cold bed. Rather than heating your whole house, heat your bed instead.

You can use an energy efficient electric blanket or a hot water bottle that is lined with fleece or wool between the sheets before you go to bed.


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