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Petrol price increases expected in May, good news for diesel users

The decrease to diesel and paraffin prices is certainly good news, especially as the country enters colder months

Expected increases for May will push the price of petrol above R23 per litre for the first time this year.

This is according to the Automobile Association (AA), which has predicted an increase of 52c and 56c for both grades of petrol.

There is, however, some relief on the cards for diesel users as the price is expected to decrease by between 31c per litre and 57c per litre.

The cost of illuminating paraffin is slated to come down by around 32c per litre.

“The decrease to diesel and paraffin prices is certainly good news, especially as the country enters colder months.

“But the increases to the petrol prices will add more strain to already stretched budgets, and consumers are advised to revise their budgets accordingly.

“There is no doubt these are difficult times, and petrol price increases will come as bad news for many who will have to dig even deeper in their pockets to keep mobile,” said AA spokesperson Layton Beard.

The AA is commenting on unaudited data from the Central Energy Fund (CEF).

The officially adjusted fuel prices, to soon be announced by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, is set to come into effect on Wednesday, 3 May.


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