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eShowe students encouraged to vote

25 years ago most of the people in our country were not allowed to vote.

“Voting gives you an opportunity to be part of decision-making that affects your life and the future of our country. If you don’t vote, others will make the decisions for you.”

This was the message delivered by Higher Education, Science and Innovation Minister Dr Blade Nzimande to hundreds of students at uMfolozi TVET College in eShowe last week.

ALSO READ: Voting day safety tips to keep you safe

Nzimande, together with the IEC, launched the Annual Tertiary Institutions Civic and Democracy Education (CDE) Youth Campaign at the campus ahead of next year’s general elections.

“History shows that democracies in danger of losing their freedom register frighteningly low voter turnouts. In thriving democracies, people vote in large numbers and the people’s voice remains supreme.

“I, however, remain concerned about reports that more students are losing interest in voting for the Student Representative Council (SRC) because they don’t think their votes bring about change,” said Nzimande.

He challenged the college management and student bodies to deal with the lack of apathy to participate in student elections and politics.

Minister Nzimande was joined by IEC officials and uMfolozi TVET College management at the launch

“You may take your right to vote and all other rights in our Constitution for granted, but 25 years ago most of the people in our country were not allowed to vote. Many of them were arrested and jailed for demanding this most basic human right. Others were tortured and killed.

“Because of their sacrifice, today you can vote simply by presenting yourself at a polling station with your ID during a registration event that puts you on the voters’ roll for life, and lets you vote in every future general and by-election in your area,” he said.

IEC commissioner Glen Mashinini said their goal is to create a new generation of active citizens who are proud to register and participate in elections.

“You have the power to make a difference, and that power lies in your vote. To access and exercise this power, you have to register,” said Mashinini.


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