Petrol expected to increase next week

Motorists have been urged to monitor their fuel usage carefully

Motorists will have to brace themselves for significant fuel price increases next month as petrol is expected to rise by between R1.22 and R1.27 per litre.

The price of diesel is expected to climb by around 28 cents per litre and illuminating paraffin by 16 cents per litre.

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This is according to the Automobile Association (AA) which was commenting on unaudited fuel data from the Central Energy Fund (CEF).

AA spokesperson Layton Beard has urged motorists to ‘budget accordingly to the new fuel prices’.

“The increases to the price of petrol are big and will have a negative impact on household budgets. A 50-litre tank of fuel, for instance, will now cost R61 more to fill, or R244 if filled four times during the month, which is significant.

“The cumulative effect on personal finances will be a further reduction of disposable income, which will be exacerbated by increases to goods and services which must recoup the higher fuel input costs,” said Beard.

“We urge consumers to monitor their fuel usage carefully, and to ensure vehicles are well maintained and in good mechanical condition. Carefully planning routes, and avoiding heavy traffic, if possible, are some ways motorists can ensure better fuel consumption,” he said.

This comes amid a recently announced reprieve in the general fuel levy and the Road Accident Fund levy.
Tabling the 2023 budget last week, Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana said there would be not increases this year in the two levies.

“To ease the impact of the electricity crisis on food prices, the refund on the Road Accident Fund levy for diesel used in the manufacturing process, such as for generators, will be extended to manufacturers of foodstuffs. This takes effect from 1 April for two years,” Godongwana.

The refund system was introduced in 2000 to provide full or partial relief for the general fuel levy and the RAF levy to primary sectors, including farming, forestry, fishing, and mining sectors.


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