5 top tips to beat the matric results blues

A matric certificate is not everything – with the right attitude and work ethic, the world can still be your oyster

ONCE the 2022 matric results are released, it is inevitable that there will be much disappointment and hand-wringing mixed with euphoria (and relief).

No doubt much emphasis will be placed on the fact that only around a third of matrics obtained university entrance, and therefore supposedly have limited prospects – academic, work or otherwise.

ALSO READ: Union expects good matric results

For those who don’t pass, there is hope beyond a matric certificate but it requires hard work and a can-do attitude.

Kathy Knott is a counselling psychologist and the programme manager of Good Work Foundation’s Bridging Year Academy, and shares five hot tips to give South Africa’s matrics the momentum to seize their future with drive and intention.

1. Be kind to yourself
You may be disappointed or even devastated by your exam results. It’s completely understandable. Allow yourself to process those feelings but don’t let them linger – and don’t hammer yourself. Numbers on a matric certificate don’t define who you are as a person.

2. Attitude (plus hard work) is everything
Adopt a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset. Don’t close the door and give up.
Think of yourself as a work in progress, a masterpiece in development. Having a positive attitude to yourself, your learning trajectory and your growth, coupled with emotional intelligence, is the key to a successful life.

3. What do YOU want?
In South Africa, we spend so much time focusing on getting a job – any job – that we don’t always pause to ask ourselves what we would like to do to add meaning to our lives.
Let’s face it: every job has its pain points and grudge areas – but if you do something you are passionate about, you are more likely to be secure and productive in your job and enjoy upward mobility.

4. Do your homework
You may be surprised to learn that once you’ve identified what you’d like to do with your life, you might not even need a matric certificate for it – or a degree, for that matter. University is not for everyone, and there are ample opportunities if you can’t (or don’t want to) go that route.

5. Go for it – and keep going!
Get into the driver’s seat and start moving! You are the CEO of your own life and it’s up to you to take charge of it. Cultivate a love of lifelong learning and you will never be bored or unfulfilled. Keep growing and learning, whether it’s on the job or through free online courses.



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