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6 defining trends of 2022 that continue to impact businesses

6 Business tips that entreprenuers should consider

LAST year was one of substantial change, especially in the workplace, where organisations of all shapes and sizes had to navigate through the post-pandemic normal.

From embracing the work-from-home phenomenon to improving how companies attract and nurture diverse talent, both large and small adjustments made in 2022 will go on to create lasting shifts in how businesses support their employees and prepare for the future.

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Business expert Mike Freislich shares the top six organisational changes that defined 2022 and how they will impact a team’s ability to become agile, modify, and move forward.

1. Office obliteration
Emerging from lockdown last year was positive, but it also meant employers had a difficult decision to make – should they continue embracing the work-from-home movement or encourage staff to head back to the office?
While there are benefits to working from home, humans also need to feel connected to thrive.
Never underestimate the value of an in-person format that allows us to feed off each other’s energy, movement, body language, and eye contact.

2. Load-shedding
Access to a reliable electricity source and good internet connectivity is essential to any business, but more so for those with a remote working environment.
SA’s worsening energy crisis means most businesses are without electricity during the working day, which creates an added burden of stress for employees who are unable to properly conduct their roles and responsibilities.
Load-shedding pressures cause distractions and disruptions to things like meetings and can have a negative impact overall on what is possible in terms of value creation.
Things also just take longer, at a time when the need to act and respond to change is more urgent than ever.

3. Struggling economy
Around the globe, everyone is feeling the pinch of a downward-trending economy. In South Africa, the effects were amplified by the near-overnight doubling of fuel costs, thanks primarily to the war in Ukraine, compounded by the effects of State capture, the pandemic, and an unreliable electricity supply.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs tells us that if a person’s fundamental needs are not met, they simply will not be able to do their best work.
People are more tired and emotionally worn out; this leads to sluggish productivity and elevated levels of apathy.

4. Need for rapid organisational response to change
The changes over the last two years have further exacerbated an already volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world. The urgent need to reinvent and change direction has caught leaders off guard, and in some cases has forced them to make decisions that impact others.
We have seen major decisions handed down from leaders for execution without any context or consultation. While at times this is a necessary approach, it leads to demotivation. Everyone wants to feel like they are a valued member of a team, and that their views are appreciated. Better communication and inclusive decision-making leads to far better results.

5. Stimulate new ways of thinking
Allowing people the space to breathe is important. Many of us have felt stuck in our jobs while constantly facing challenges that impede progress.
Attending training with an experienced external coach is an effective way of unearthing new ideas and understanding how to implement them in your organisation.
Participating in a training course can be a terrific way to disrupt your current way of thinking and create new opportunities for improvement. It enables a complete re-think of your operational needs to create value more effectively.

6. Taking care of mental health
This is the biggest health crisis of the pandemic but is often hard to spot. When somebody is behaving below perceived expectations, it is important to generate empathy.
One way to do this is to pause before responding and consider no less than five plausible reasons they could be behaving this way. This technique can help greatly to improve your own responses in difficult situations.
Communication is always your best friend in these circumstances. Employees need to feel reassured that leaders are understanding, and that help is available if required.
Humans are complex, each with our own feelings, views, and thoughts.
Consult with your people and find ways to co-create solutions. Solutions built together are more widely accepted than those imposed from the top, and are more likely to be better for all. While this approach takes more effort, the positive effects are long-lasting.



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