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5 New Year’s resolutions you can keep

These 5 life hacks will promote a healthier lifestyle without feeling like a burden

LIVING in these unprecedented times; it can be difficult to make New Year’s Resolutions that you can actually stick to.

Of course, the culture of ‘New Year, new me’ is positive, but it can also make you feel regretful when you don’t stick to the plan.

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Here are 5 New Year’s resolutions that can improve your life and mood drastically, without feeling like a chore.

1. Go on a walk every day
Many studies show that walking helps decrease anxiety and stress levels as well as assists in weight loss. Choose a time of day where you feel most alive and go on a 30 minute walk. Try to use different routes to keep engaged. If you can, take a friend with.

2. Wake up at the same time everyday
Whether you are an early riser or prefer sleeping in a few more hours, set a time to wake up to every day. This will create a sleeping pattern that contributes to your overall health.

3. Stay away from screens for an hour
Whether you work at an office or from home, you are bound to be on screen for a minimum of 8 hours. Prolonged screen time causes different health issues including sleep deprivation, eyesight issues, and addiction. Choose a time of day to spend at least one hour offline.

4. Learn to say ‘no’
We often feel pressurized to overextend ourselves with work, family commitments, or those unbudgeted round of drinks after work. This often leaves us fatigued or in a financial crisis. Alleviate yourself from the guilt and say ‘no’ to spontaneous plans that will leave you in a detrimental situation.

5. Drink water
If you cannot get your daily 2-litre intake, at least have a glass of water, maybe right before that first cup of coffee. Water has many health benefits and helps us function a whole lot better.

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