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How to choose the perfect Christmas gift

Give the best gifts this Christmas

THEY say there is joy in giving, and especially when giving unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. But how do you choose the perfect gift?

Rule number one: Don’t pick something that you would want. Unless you’re shopping for your best friend who has exactly the same taste as you, never assume your gift recipient likes the same things you do.

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Give it some thought: It is easy to rush into the shops and just grab the first gift set that you see, but remember that your gift is conveying an unmistakable message: how much the recipient means to you.

A ‘one size fits all’ gift box set will tell your recipient that he or she is just a number, while a carefully selected gift will make your recipient feel important.

Research your subject: Begin early in the year and observe the little things that your recipient enjoys. Look out for clues on his or her social media accounts and watch closely what gifts he or she buys for other people.

Make a list of the person’s interests and preferences: If you cannot pinpoint what the person wants, determine what he or she needs.

Look for practical gifts that still feel like a treat: For instance, something the person has never been able to find in his or her local shops, or just never got around to purchasing for him or herself. Practical gifts are always a winner.

Consider whether the recipient would actually use your gift: It’s a waste of money, time, and effort to buy junk that just ends up in a cupboard, thrift store, or rewrapped under someone else’s Christmas tree next year…

Be mindful of what gifts would be appropriate: An acquaintance will feel awkward if you gave him or her something that is too personal. A close friend might feel offended by an impersonal gift card. Age also matters.

Teenagers would actually prefer a gift card above home-baked cookies – which might go down well with an older person.

If you are going to exchange gifts, it is very important to gauge the recipient’s financial status. Give something that is in the same price range of what you expect to receive from this person. Unless you’re Uncle Scrooge or

Bruce Wayne, don’t embarrass your recipient by splurging on a gift that the person would never be able to return in favour.

Always remember that gift giving is an expression of truly seeing the other person and knowing what they want.



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