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Probe into Mtubatuba clinic generator issue

KwaMsane Clinic reportedly non-functional during load-shedding

COMPLAINTS have been raised about KwaMsane Clinic in Mtubatuba being closed to patients during load-shedding, especially at night.

Residents recently took to social media to complain that the security guard at the clinic gate had turned them away during load-shedding as there was no fuel for the back-up power supply.

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One resident, Ms Dlakadla posted that she took a 16-month-old baby to the clinic on Tuesday night because the child had a temperature and was vomiting.

She said the security guard asked her whether she was there to collect medication or get an injection.

Commenting on Dlakadla’s post, Sphe Nyawo said patients being turned away during power outages had also occurred previously, for the same reason.

This was confirmed when the ZO visited the clinic a few months ago and was told the same story.

The clinic is meant to operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Department of Health spokesperson Agiza Hlongwane said the district’s management was looking into the matter and that a response would be provided, however, none was forthcoming at the time of going to print.



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