ANC accuses IFP of ‘buying votes’

Accusations fly over uMhlathuze by-election

THE ANC in KZN is calling for the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) to disqualify the IFP for alleged ‘dirty tricks’.

This is reportedly connected to allegations of ‘buying votes’ in Ward 12, Madlankala under uMthathuze Municipality during yesterday’s (Wednesday’s) by-elections.

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According to ANC Provincial Secretary Bheki Mtolo, the IFP has been consistent in violating the Electoral Code of Conduct in the run-up to the by-election.

“The IFP was caught red-handed in Mcabango Voting District (VD) dishing out wads of cash to eligible voters, to vote for their candidate.

“A man believed to be a personal protector of uMhlathuze municipal manager Toti Zulu was caught on video grabbing an elderly female citizen, giving her cash,” said Mtolo.

Mtolo further alleged that the man manhandled the pensioner, demanding his undisclosed amount of money back.

“[On Tuesday], IFP members were forcefully removed from Madlankala community hall, where they were given permission to erect their operational centre, stocking electioneering material and candidate posters,” said Mtolo.

Meanwhile, IFP Provincial Chairperson Thami Ntuli refuted the claims and called for the ANC to stop their false accusations.

“Nowhere in their lengthy statement do they provide a single substantiated fact. Rather, as is their usual tactic, they resort to accusations, allegations and unsubstantiated opinions,” said Ntuli.

He said the party not only takes exception to these ‘unfounded falsehoods’, but takes particular exception to yet another attack on the Gift of the Givers.

“According to the ANC’s latest claims, the IFP even roped in the supposedly apolitical philanthropic international organisation Gift of the Givers, to distribute food parcels in an effort to sway the electorate’s allegiance.

“We are shocked that the ANC would stoop so low as to attempt to level accusations against an organisation that has served the people of South Africa and the world without fear or favour for thirty years,” said Ntuli.

Moreover, Ntuli has called on the ANC’s national leadership, including President Ramphosa, to set the record straight on Dr Sooliman and Gift of the Givers, who are described on the presidency’s website as ‘one of the most respected international humanitarian agencies, being the first such agency to be accredited by Proudly South African’.

“We further call on the ANC to stop re-hashing old news: the IFP did not set up a work station inside the voting station at Madlankala hall, and we addressed these allegations yesterday,” said Ntuli today (Thursday).

“As we stated yesterday, the IFP is committed to allowing democracy to run its course. We call on the ANC to do the same. If they continue on this path, we will have no choice but to report them to the IEC for their conduct,” warned Ntuli.



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