Home Affairs digitisation process under way

Department set to digitise 350 million civic paper records

THE Department of Home Affairs (DHA) is collaborating with the Department of Employment and Labour on a digitisation project that is set to recruit 10 000 graduates.

The department has received 85 820 applications, with 23 374 qualified to be assessed and interviewed for the digitisation of civic paper records.

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The recruitment comes after President Cyril Ramaphosa’s State of the Nation address about a goal to modernise the DHA’s citizen services through the Presidential Employment Stimulus.

Launching the project last month, Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi said the department has more than 350 million civic paper records relating to births, marriages, deaths and amendments dating back to 1895.

The project is expected to run over three years, from November this year to October 2025, and will be divided into three phases.

Department of Employment and Labour chief director of employer services Esther Tloane said qualifying candidates are being shortlisted ahead of interviews which will begin soon.

“In the advancement of equity I am, however, worried that we are getting few candidates of people with disabilities,” she commented.

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