Rampant illegal electricity connections causing grave concern

Eskom said it has noted a rise in blown transformers as a result of overloading of the network from illegal connections

As Eskom continues to implement load-shedding, concern has been raised about illegal connections causing damage to electrical infrastructure.

The power utility in KZN said last week that it has noted a rise in blown transformers as a result of overloading of the network, mostly due to illegal connections and tampering of meters.

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Eskom’s GM for KZN and the Free State, Agnes Mlambo, said areas that have been heavily affected by electricity outages due to blown transformers include eNseleni, Madadeni and Osizweni in Newcastle, and a number of areas in Pietermaritzburg.

‘Illegal connections result in life-threatening situations, with innocent children often the victims. Electricity theft also results in huge financial losses to Eskom as revenue lost to these illegal connections or bypassed meters is not recovered.

‘This is over and above the losses suffered from equipment damage due to overloading,’ she said.

Where infrastructure is damaged or vandalised, Mlambo said Eskom will only replace the transformer once the connections have been removed.

‘In addition, household meters will need to be audited to ensure it is safe to reconnect. This will result in extended power outages for the communities.’

She urged community members to report theft and vandalism to the Eskom crime line on
0800 112 722.



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