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Zululand dam levels remain steady

Goedertrouw dam is still at 100% capacity while Hluhluwe dam increased marginally from 82% to 83%

As Goedertrouw dam near eShowe remains above 100% capacity, work continues with the R800-million Tugela-Goedertrouw Transfer Scheme.

The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) in KZN stated that the transfer scheme – which will ensure long-term water supply to the industrial area of Richards Bay – is 64% complete, with construction having resumed in April.

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The project to double the river-to-dam rate of transfer from the present 1.1m3 per second to 2.4m3 per second was marred by delays, with construction grinding to a halt in 2019.

Giving an update on the current status of water levels the province last week, DWS said Goedertrouw is at 100.3%, shifting from 100.2% in the previous week.

Hluhluwe dam was recorded at 83.1% last week, having been at 82% the previous week.

DWS spokesperson Sputnik Ratau attributed the improvements to recent heavy rains which have been a major boost to most dam levels in the province.

‘The province’s overall storage capacity has marginally increased from 92.1% recorded last week to 92.9%.

‘When compared to a similar period last year, the dam levels stood at 73.3%,’ said Ratau.

Although pleased with the storage levels, the department expressed sympathy for those who were impacted by the heavy rains which caused major structural damage in the province, led to loss of life and left many homeless.

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