Stage 8 load-shedding: What does that mean?

Energy experts say load-shedding stage 8 could be a reality

With more dark days ahead for South Africans, stage 6 or even stage 8 load-shedding is potentially on the cards.

Most power stations are not functioning at full capacity and, with winter approaching, Eskom has once again urged the public to conserve energy and thus avoid more hours of power cuts.

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Here are the differences between the load-shedding blackout stages over a four-day period, depending on the schedule in your area.

Eskom load-shedding stages explained:

Stage 1: Three power outages for two hours a day

Stage 2: Power outages last for two hours at a time, occurring six times throughout the day

Stage 3: Nine power outages lasting two hours at a time

Stage 4: 12 outages each lasting two hours over a period of four days

Stage 5: 7.5 hours of no power per day

Stages 6 & 7: Two power outages each at four hours

Stage 8: Six power outages or 12 hours of no electricity

Source: @Eskom_SA



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