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Child support grant to be extended

This grant is to support orphans who are in the care of relatives.

Hundreds of millions of rands have been allocated for the next two financial years for the implementation of the extended child support grant.

This grant is to support orphans who are in the care of relatives.

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Social Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu, who tabled her department’s budget last week, said R687-million is allocated in the 2023/24 financial year and R871-million in 2024/25.

‘As soon as the amended regulations to the Social Assistance Act of 2004 are published in the next few days,

Sassa will be in a position to provide the extended child support grant of R720 per child per month to relatives who are caring for orphaned children.

‘We expect the extended child support grant to be implemented in June and estimate it will be received by over 191 000 relatives during the 2022/23 financial year.

‘Let me remind you that, to access this grant, qualifying applicants need not go through the lengthy Children’s

Court process. As a result, affected children will quickly receive the support they need to unlock their full potential,’ said Zulu.

Meanwhile, a total of R44-billion is allocated for the Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant for the 2022/23 financial year.

The minister said the multi-billion rand allocation means each month 10.5 million approved applicants will receive the grant.

The grant, which supports thousands of unemployed individuals and is disbursed through the Post Office, was extended to March next year.

‘By 30 April, in excess of 8.1 million applications had already been received. I assure all qualifying applicants that they will be in receipt of their payments for this iteration of the grant by June,’ said Zulu.

She said Sassa has been working to find ways to extend its application systems and outlets for the disbursement of the grant.

‘Sassa is extending its negotiations to include local fast-moving consumer goods traders as part of their payment outlets for the Covid-19 SRD grant,’ said Zulu.

‘This grant type is also increasingly taking advantage of commonplace data and digital infrastructure to process applications and conduct verifications,’ she said.



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