Slithery surprise at St Lucia lodge

A 1.2m Gaboon viper was captured and safely released in a nearby reserve

A gaboon viper measuring 1.2m in length was on Friday captured at a lodge in St Lucia and safely
released in a nearby game reserve.

The START (Specialised Tactical Accident Rescue Team) St Lucia first responders were called into
action to tend to the lodge’s surprise guest.

ALSO READ: WATCH: Massive Gaboon tagged and released at Maphelane beach.

The snake was securely captured and, with the help of Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife section rangers,
relocated to the iSimangaliso Wetland Park.

Gaboon vipers reach a maximum length of 1.75m, putting this one just 50cm short of maximum

With a vulnerable conservation status, this species’ reputation for being slow-moving and placid
should not be undermined as it has a lightning-quick strike.

It holds the record for the longest fangs, reaching 4-5cm in length.

Looking exactly like dead foliage, the gaboon viper is a master of disguise and gives a loud, deep hiss
when disturbed.

Adult gaboon vipers have no trouble eating prey as large as an adult rabbit, which it strikes with
lightning-fast precision from any angle.

ALSO READ: St Lucia snake cornered in chicken coop, caught and released

Primarily nocturnal, this species hunts by ambush, lying motionless in wait.

Generally unaggressive, some experts have said they can be handled ‘as freely as any non-venomous
species’, although this is not recommended.

This catch-and-release is the second in as many weeks in St Lucia, with a 3.5m southern African
python rescued by START first responders earlier this month.



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