Put your recycling in the bag

The campaign aims to show recycling collectors that waste can be collected from households

Ahead of Global Recycling Day on Friday, a number of companies have come together and launched the ‘Recycling in the bag’ campaign.

The campaign aims to inform recyclers that paper grocery bags and brown takeaway foods can be collected from homes and sold along with their waste paper collections.

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Approximately 1.1 million tonnes of waste paper and packaging is collected in South Africa and recycled into new products.

Waste can be recycled again and again, up to 25 times.

‘Old cardboard boxes and paper bags will be repulped into other paper types – these will become new cardboard boxes and paper bags, and so the cycle continues,’ said Fibre Circle communications manager Samantha Choles.

‘With paper bags now synonymous with suburban and city-based grocery deliveries after Covid kept many of us away from supermarkets, Detpak and its customers felt it was important to close the loop with the production and recycling of paper bags,’ explains Detpak marketing manager

Carla Breytenbach.

‘Safety and visibility are key aspects in the lives of collectors who navigate the busy streets of our suburbs daily to make an honest living,’ said

Donna-Mari Noble, communications manager for the Mpact Group’s Recycling business, which includes Remade Recycling.

South Africans are urged to start recycling if they aren’t yet. Citizens can put out cardboard boxes, pizza boxes, grocery bags and other similar packaging on your pavement for recycling collectors to pick up.

For more information on what is recyclable, visit https://fibrecircle.co.za/promotional-material/


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