Keep your loved ones safe this Month of Love

Regardless of the time of day, keep curtains or blinds drawn, which makes it difficult to see in from the outside

Keeping your loved ones safe should be a key priority this month of love.

This is according to Charnel Hattingh, head of marketing and communications at Fidelity ADT, who has shared valuable tips on keeping your loved ones safe.

‘Talk to your loved ones today about who they should contact in any kind of an emergency.

‘Make sure they have the correct contact numbers for the police, Neighbourhood Watch, your security company, or your closest hospital, saved on their phones,’ said Hattingh.

She says the next step is assessing your property to rule out any vulnerable areas.

‘Look for anything that could help an intruder access or exit the property. Are there low-hanging tree branches that can be used to climb over a fence or wall?

‘Inspect the locks on perimeter gates and garage doors – are they in good condition? Be on the lookout for anything that can be used to force entry. When last did you test your electric fence?’

Moving to the inside of the home, Hattingh encourages checking windows and door locks regularly.

‘It is important that outward-leading doors and windows are locked from the inside when no one is home, and overnight.

‘The same should apply to doors that lead from a garage into the main part of the house. Regardless of the time of day, keep curtains or blinds drawn in a way that makes it difficult to see in from the outside.

‘Never leave valuables, including keys, anywhere that they can be seen or reached from a window,’ she said.

‘It is also important to test your alarms and beams at least once a month out of peak times.’


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