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Help send a child to school in new shoes

While many Christmas cheer projects were under way over the past weeks, Sharon says a pair of school shoes is one commodity that will outlast the sweets hampers and toys.

COMMUNITY worker Sharon Mdletshe calls on community members to start the new year by adding an extra pair of school shoes to their back-to-school lists.

The 62-year-old, who spearheads the Eagles Wings Shelter for abused women and children in Mzingazi, launched a school shoe drive in October, and handed over 123 pairs of brand new shoes just one month later.

While many Christmas cheer projects were under way over the past weeks, Sharon says a pair of school shoes is one commodity that will outlast the sweets hampers and toys.

She said she was inspired to start this project, and approached Mzingazi Primary School at which to roll out the pilot project.

She is now gearing up to help other primary schools in the area.

‘We invite the community to pledge a donation to our school shoe drive, and hope to hand over the next batch early in the new year.

‘The schools already have databases of learners who are in need of school shoes and uniforms, which makes our work so much easier.

‘Once again, I call on family, friends and all my social media followers to support this most worthy initiative.

‘We saw the fruit of the first roll-out when our local CPFs, businesses, and individuals far and wide stepped in to help us meet the target.

‘The donations have continued to pour in and we want the momentum to continue. We are now expanding the project to all the schools in our area to ensure no child has to walk barefoot to school, or has to wear tight or torn shoes again.

‘Our donors have given these children the best gift in restoring their dignity, and what better way to start the new year in brand new school shoes.’

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