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Zululand retired nurses honoured

The retired nurses had their year-end function last Friday at the Empangeni Bon Hotel.

The Golden Ladies president Jeannette Vilakazi encouraged her members to love and help one another as they live in the grace of the Lord.

The retired nurses had their year-end function last Friday at the Empangeni Bon Hotel.

Thirty retired nurses attended the function.

‘As members, we need to stay united and expand this principle to our families,’ Vilakazi said in her keynote address.

She said society lived in very challenging times because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

‘We have survived through the Word and mercy of God. Since the arrival of Covid-19, we have been prevented from celebrating each other’s birthdays as we use to do before.

‘We also can’t attend our monthly meetings, but we are grateful that our members are not backing off. They are still with us,’ she said.

The function was also attended by Lutheran Church Bishop Phembukuthula Buthelezi, who said the event coincided with a very difficult time as the organisation had lost some members to Covid-19.

‘My message is that we must not give up even though we live in very difficult times. We must forge ahead and love and care for each other,’ Buthelezi said.


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