
The app that live streams audio and video evidence to a secure cloud

Founded by Rob Bentele, winner of Survivor SA 2019, Eyerus is your ultimate personal safety companion

Eyerus is an internationally patented automated algorithm mobile app, designed to provide users with personal safety and security services in the palm of their hands. The app is a gateway to combat contact crime and provide social protection for all, especially women and members of the LGBTIQ+ community who are the most marginalized in South Africa. Founded by Rob Bentele, winner of Survivor SA 2019, Eyerus is your ultimate personal safety companion.

‘After winning Survivor, there was a lot of expectation for me to pursue a career in entertainment, which was appealing but I’ve always been more about positive social change. I am solutions-driven and that’s just how my mind works. I was set on finding the solution to this scourge of gender-based violence, and that is how Eyerus was born.’ Rob Bentele, Group CEO

Apps that alert your loved ones that you are in trouble have become common, but our unique value proposition is that we livestream audio and video evidence to a secure cloud. Evidence cannot be destroyed, and will see the inside of a courtroom.’

Eyerus is an automated algorithm whose sole mandate is to keep you safe at all times. No person can promise to keep an eye on you 24/7, but a program can, explains Rob Bentele. Eyerus enables you to indicate how safe or unsafe you feel in your current surroundings using four safety status modes.

The safety modes are

  • GREEN ALERT MODE (safe and sound),
  • AMBER ALERT MODE (Live Audio Stream)
  • Red ALERT MODE (Live Video Streaming) and
  • BLUE ALERT MODE (Armed Emergency personnel dispatched).

All evidence captured is instantly stored on a secure cloud as well as live streamed to your guardians in real time. Using features like the check in system, Eyerus will automatically detect if you’ve been drugged, unconscious or restrained. You literally don’t have to do anything, Eyerus will handle the situation on your behalf.

Our unique value proposition is the fact that we live stream audio and video evidence to a secure cloud. Evidence cannot be destroyed and will see the inside of a courtroom.’

Now more than ever South Africans are looking for a solution to the staggering contact crime numbers and Eyerus is just that.

Live without fear
Live with freedom
Live safely, connected and guarded

  The app will be launching early next year.



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